Saturday, August 20, 2011


Strange coincidences Friday. My ad in Craigslist for my original Nikon 18-55 lens was answered by someone who works in nearby Homewood. We agreed on $85 and that we would meet at the Shell gas station near my house at 5:00.

After driving Sara back to school two hours away, having lunch, and dropping Teresa off at her house, Terri and I went directly to the gas station. We arrived at the pump at the Shell at precisely 5:00. (Those who know me well would not be surprised by that; I'm pretty good at estimating travel times.) I started filling up the van and half-jokingly said to Terri that the $85 for the lens would probably cover the fill-up.

The buyer called me to find out where I was. Turns out he was filling up two pumps away. Terri took over filling and I made the sale. When I walked over to get back in the van to leave Terri handed me the receipt and said, "I swear I never touched the pump. I just took it out when it shut off." The receipt was for exactly $85.00. I love stuff like that!

P.S. This photo of the Nikon 18-55 lens was taken from Nikon's website.

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