Saturday, June 18, 2011

Winstrom "wake"

Back row: Rich Ross, Dick Vandenberg, Dave Arcand, Mike Muckian,
John Muckian, John Andretich, Kathy Mandarino
Center: Joy Rone, Juan Echeveste
Front row: Pete Hesse, Ronnie Foss, Mike Mandarino
The company I worked for from 1980 until 2004 closed its doors on June 9th. It was sad-- kind of like losing an old friend. So, I mentioned the idea of a "wake" to a few of my former co-workers and many were interested and many came. Here is a group of 12 who did come. Several more showed up later, but this was the only picture we managed to remember to take.


Anonymous said...

Who is the gentleman on the far left next to Dick Van?

Michael Muckian said...

I'll make you a deal... tell me who you are and I'll tell you who that is. Fair enough?

Anonymous said...

I wrote Winstrom's software and know your passwords.

Michael Muckian said...


Anonymous said...

More correctly "rewrote" software I suppose if you want to get technical. And did it more better.