Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Birthday Princess

Sweet Saralyn on her 21st birthday. She is the last one in her group of friends to turn 21 and they all came together to take her out to celebrate. The beat up "Birthday Princess" sash looks old because they all wore it on their respective days. And last night was Sara's turn.

It was a nice evening. Teresa and Chris cooked great burgers and hot dogs for the whole family-- step-parents and step-siblings included. Then all the girls (and Dan) and the rest of the family went to a local bar where even more friends showed up. Chuck's Place is a old bar in Crete with two pool tables and lots of songs on the jukebox. Sara's party filled the place.

What a great group of friends she has! You could tell they all really like Saralyn and were going to take care of her that night. They made sure she paced her drinking and gave her plenty of water. I was just a bit surprised when she tossed back a shot of Jameson and didn't make a screwed-up "ewww" kind of face afterwards. I'm guessing this was not her first shot.

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