Saturday, March 11, 2023

So this happened…


My wife Terri and I have a trailer at a campground in Momence, Illinois. It’s our getaway place and we go there often. We like the small town atmosphere and the campground itself has a nice, personal, and friendly vibe. Located along the southern bank of the Kankakee River, it is camping for those who appreciate nature and the simple pleasures it provides. The town is typical rural Illinois and that means there are people from all walks of life, all with their own beliefs and opinions. The businesses reflect this diversity too.


One of the businesses that is special to us is a tiny popcorn shop housed in a former church at the south end of town where all the trucks turn left to head across the railroad tracks and on to Indiana. Cranky Mike’s it’s called and it’s run by Cranky Mike’s wife, Chris. A wonderfully friendly person with super-short hair and manly glasses, Chris stands out in Momence. (Aside, I talked to Mike for quite a while one day and did not find him to be cranky at all. In fact, he was quite pleasant. But, like this Mike, I’m guessing he may have his moments.) Anyway, the popcorn is available in a variety of flavors and is always served by a not-even-close-to-cranky employee, or Chris herself. I knew the first time I stopped there that I wanted to support this business. The problem was, eating popcorn does not agree with my diverticulosis. So, what could Terri and I do?


We decided to pre-pay for an additional bag of popcorn for the next customer who came in after we would drop off a snack bag with the cash to pay for it. We would do this every time we went to camp. It was a win-win situation. We supported a local business run by a couple who became friends and we did a good deed for a stranger. 


Chris was kind enough to tell me some reactions from those who got a free bag. One time she saw me in line behind another customer and gave that person the spiel and the free bag so I could see the reaction. But today, today was a very special day. It was one of those “you could not have planned the perfect timing” events.


Some days, I go into town for breakfast. Today was one of those days. On my way back to camp, when I got to the stop sign where all the trucks turn left, I thought about how, yesterday, Terri said, “I’m tempted to get some Double Cheddar popcorn, but I know if I did I would eat it all.” (I knew this meant that she truly wanted some Cranky Mike’s Double Cheddar popcorn.) So I almost turned right to get her popcorn, but thought better of it and turned left. I saw there was a train ahead that might hold me up for awhile and thought, why not get the popcorn?, and was ready to turn around and go back. But, before I could, I saw the end of the train and decided to just continue on.


When I got back, we watched the end of the movie that we missed after we fell asleep last night. Then we picked out another movie to get from the Red Box in town. My plan was to go back to town, get the movie and return. Along the way, I decided to go to Berkot’s grocery store and pick up some Irish soda bread. Then I thought I’d pick up a Subway sub for us to snack on later. As I approached the stop sign where all the trucks turn left, I again considered popcorn for my bride. Again, I made the turn without buying popcorn only to decide to go back and get it. I turned into the first driveway and went back to Cranky Mike’s.


A smiling man was exiting as I walked from my truck to the shop. I nodded and we both said hello. When I entered, Chris came to the window. I asked for a bag of Terri’s favorite— Double Cheddar. And then this happened: Chris told me it was free!


She said a woman had just come in and said that the last time she was in, she got a free bag from someone who had prepaid for it and she wanted to return the favor by pre-paying for a bag for the next person who came in. Chris told me she was really supposed to give it to the man who had just left, but forgot. I was overcome with shock at the irony and timing. It was life coming full circle! (Or, despite her saying, “True story!” Chris was fibbing. But, I want to believe her.)


We talked a bit about some of the others who were recipients. Chris told me about a young boy who came in while his mom waited in the car. He paid for the popcorn and, when Chris told him about “the gentleman who stops in almost every week and pays for a bag for the next person and this is yours” he hugged it and said, “Thank you” in the most sincere way.


It costs Terri and I four dollars each time we do this. When you think about it, it’s really a very small price to put on all this joy!

1 comment:

Bob Sullivan said...

You know when you tell stories like this, it’s hard not to like you Muck!

We used to do this with tolls on the tollway at Christmas. We’d sing to the toll collector, pay our toll and give an extra two or three tolls for the next few cars. It was fun for us and the kids.