Thursday, January 24, 2019

It's Time

Trump can add the United States of America to his list of business failures because he broke it. The sign now says “Sorry, We’re Closed” entirely because of his incompetence and his ego. He campaigned on the promise of running our country like a businessman, not a politician. But he’s a bad businessman with a long trail of failures: vodka, steaks, airlines, even casinos—where it’s rigged that the house wins! Face it, he is not good at business.

And he doesn’t even do anything! White House insiders talk about how little time he spends working, that most of the time he is watching TV. To be honest, that is what a guy like him should be doing. He’s past retirement age and just bumbles everything he gets involved in. He often appears confused and disoriented. It’s time to just let him sit in his chair with the remote, eat junk food, and yell at the TV. But, just like the grandpas that can no longer drive and have their keys taken away, he should not be allowed to sign things and hold them up in front of cameras and real working people. It’s time to take away his pen and Twitter account.

The man is a gangster and the figurehead of a gang that is fleecing our country and the world. And when someone gets caught Trump throws him under the bus so fast, you’d think he really believed that he “never knew him” or “I’ve heard of him but never spoken with him.” Now Michael Cohen has decided to tell the truth and Trump does what gangsters do: label him a “rat”, discredit his character and knowledge, and, when all that fails, threatens his family. He is a thug.

I won’t even go into his support for racists and misogynists and his hatred for non-WASP people, but instead suffice to say that this guy needs to go. He does not deserve the support of any honest American and his ignorance and bad behavior are dangerous to our country and the entire planet.

I wish he would resign, but I don’t think he will. So, please GOP, understand that it is up to you. If the Dems start impeachment proceedings, it will be uglier than if the GOP does. We need the House Republicans to do the right thing for the people of America and start impeachment proceedings. The Republic is at stake.

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