Monday, September 17, 2018

Camping at Sullivan Marina and Campground

Our little home away from home, parked on site A22 for the weekend.
Terri and I spent a gorgeous weekend at a campground on Lake Shelbyville in central Illinois. Kayleigh's (Jake's girlfriend) family has an amazing camper parked there full time and hosted us for the weekend. Our campsite was quiet and roomy. Backing in our little trailer and setting up camp went very smoothly. The campground is on a bluff overlooking Lake Shelbyville and we could see it just through the trees behind the camper.

The weather was clear all weekend with only a crescent moon so we were able to see plenty of stars both nights.

Mom, son, and one of the dogs enjoying the day from the back of the boat.
On Saturday, we were treated to a day on the lake. The sky was blue and the water was refreshing.

We tied off with another boat in the Findlay Marina cove. It was peaceful and we even saw a bald eagle soaring above us.

Mostly we just floated on our pool noodles and talked about everything and nothing.

A suprise visit from an Apache helicopter as we were heading home.
As we were heading back to the dock after a full afternoon with new friends, we were buzzed by an Apache helicopter. The pilot got close enough that we could see him! Then he crossed in front of us and took off. It was quite an exciting end to our day on the water.

Once back on land, our host and boat captain, Jim, made a delicious shrimp and pasta dinner on his new Blackstone griddle.

After all that sun and a great meal I could barely keep my eyes open. I set a goal to stay awake until eight. I made it-- even got a second wind back at the camper and played a game of backgammon before heading off to dreamland around ten.

All in all, a great weekend.

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