Friday, April 20, 2012

2 years ago

They cut corners they knew could cause disaster in the name of profit and bonuses. And disaster happened-- 11 dead and the largest oil spill ever devastated the geography, the wildlife, and the people of the gulf states.

Then they lied about it.

Now they're in the midst of a huge public relations effort to rebuild the value of their brand by making it look like they're the good guys. There are ads everywhere with smiling, happy people saying how much good BP is doing for the area. But it's really as if BP took away everything these people owned, gave them each a belt and one shoe and excitedly proclaimed, "Hey, look, we gave you all a belt and a shoe!" BP has not changed its culture. It is simply trying to buy its way out of what it did in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago.

They are evil and will never see a dime from me.

April 20, 2010-- never forget. Never buy BP.

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