Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Graffiti shack

Today I let my GPS take me a different way. This is what I found.

I knew how to get to my hotel, but Alfred-- my British-accented GPS-- suggested another route. I knew right away it was going to be country roads instead of highways, but I like that sometimes. And I thought, "Maybe I'll find my pic of the day going this way."

So I did. And I did.

On the back roads north of Carmi, Illinois, a few empty beer cans and some spray-painted initials on road signs mark the hangouts near the one lane bridges. This small building (maybe 16 by 20) happens to be right next to a bridge. I didn't see any beer cans nearby, but that's probably because the kids were too busy painting to drink!

I wonder if the owner enjoys the colorful expressions or if he sees it as vandalism. I hope he enjoys it. I sure did.

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