Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter bubbles

This is granddaughter Isabella and me enjoying a family Easter tradition. The decision to include bubbles in the kids' baskets came from a sermon at an Easter service when they were very small.

The pastor called the children to join him in front. He sat on the steps and they surrounded him. His right hand was inside a brown paper bag as he asked the children to guess what he had. His hints were: round, colorful, and each one different. Of course they all guessed eggs. Then he pulled out his hand and began to blow bubbles. As the kids admired or excitedly reached for them, he explained how people are made alike in some ways but different in others-- just like the bubbles! He said that being different didn't matter, that to God we are all the same, and we should be nice to everyone, even if they are different from us.

The pastor's message was probably lost on the little ones, but I know one older "kid" who got it.